
2011–2016 Ph.D., Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Peking University (PKU) & National Institute of Biological Sciences (NIBS), Beijing, China
2006–2010 B.S., Biology, Nankai University (NKU), Tianjin, China


2021– Assistant Investigator, Chinese Institute for Brain Research (CIBR), Beijing
2016–2021 Postdoctoral Fellow, National Institute on Drug Abuse Intramural Research Program (NIDA-IRP), Baltimore, MD, Geoffrey Schoenbaum Lab
2011–2016 Ph.D. Student, PKU & NIBS, Beijing, China, Minmin Luo lab
2010–2011 Technician, NIBS, Beijing, China, Minmin Luo lab
2009–2010 Undergraduate Researcher, NKU, Tianjin, China, Qingqiu Gong Lab
2008–2009 Undergraduate Researcher, NKU, Tianjin, China, Bai Gang Lab


2022–2027 China Brain Project (Program for Young Scientists)
Ministry of Science and Technology
2021–2024 Beijing Nova Program of Science and Technology
Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission
2021– Intramural funding by Chinese Institute for Brain Research, Beijing
2020–2021 K99/R00 (DA049888), “Cognitive map representations by orbitofrontal cortex and hippocampus”.

Honors and Awards

2015 The First Prize of Heng-Yuan-Xiang Award
2015 Merit Student, PKU
2015 Academic Innovation Award, PKU
2015 China National Scholarship
2014 Academic Innovation Award, PKU
2014 Special Award for Excellent Outstanding Students, College of Life Sciences, PKU
2014 Excellent Students Award for the PTN program, NIBS, Beijing
2014 Excellent Students Award, NIBS, Beijing
2013 China National Scholarship
2013 Excellent Students Award, NIBS, Beijing
2013 Proteintech Academic Award, College of Life Sciences, PKU

Ad-Hoc Reviewer or Co-Reviewer

Cell, Nature Neuroscience, Neuron, Nature Communications, Current Biology, eLife, Journal of Neuroscience, Behavioral Neuroscience, Learning and Memory, PLOS One, Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, eNeuro

Teaching and Mentorship

2021–present Mentoring PhD students Huixin Lin, Fengjun Ma, and Qianru Zhang at CIBR, Beijing
2021–present Mentoring research assistants Lingwei Zhang and Aixia Song at CIBR, Beijing
2019–2021 Mentoring postdoctoral fellow Wenhui Zong at NIDA-IRP
2019 Teaching “In Vivo Electrophysiology” at NIDA-IRP
2018 Mentoring postbaccalaureate Marlian Montesinos at NIDA-IRP
2015–2016 Teaching Practice (160 hours) at NIBS
2013 Teaching “Birdsong Learning and Underlying Neural Mechanism” as a part of the course “Neural Circuits” at Tsinghua University.

Invited Talks and Poster Presentations

2022 Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, CAS
2022 Tsinghua University Department of Electrical Engineering
2021 Annual Meeting of Chinese Neuroscience Society
2021 CIBR-CLS-IDG Summer Camp
2021 NIDA Fellows Research Lunch Meeting
2021 Representational Learning Journal Club at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development
2021 NIDA IRP "Science for Nonscientists" Seminar Series
2021 MIT Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
2020 Institute of Neuroscience, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2020 Department of Neuroscience, University of Pittsburgh
2019 Society for Neuroscience, nanosymposium
2019 NIDA Fellows Research Lunch Meeting
2019 Winter Conference on Brain Research (poster)
2018 Society for Neuroscience, nanosymposium
2018 Chesapeake Area Memory and Learning (CAMAL) Meeting
2018 NIDA Fellows Research Lunch Meeting
2018 Computational and Systems Neuroscience (Cosyne) workshop
2018 Johns Hopkins Department of Neuroscience Lab Lunch
2018 NIDA IRP Cellular Neurobiology Research Branch Meeting
2017 Society for Neuroscience, nanosymposium
2017 Pavlovian Society Annual Meeting (poster)
2015 Society for Neuroscience (poster)
2014 Cold Spring Harbor Asia Conference (poster)
2013 Chinese Neuroscience Society (poster)