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Mingyu Song
Minimal cross-trial generalization in learning the representation of an odor-guided choice task
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Jiawei Zeng Ballesta, S., Shi, W., Conen, K. E., & Padoa-Schioppa, C. (2020). Values encoded in orbitofrontal cortex are causally related to economic choices. Nature, 588(7838), 450-453.
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Lingwei Zhang An introduction of animal associative learning theories.
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Aixia Song Basu, R., Gebauer, R., Herfurth, T., Kolb, S., Golipour, Z., Tchumatchenko, T., & Ito, H. T. (2021). The orbitofrontal cortex maps future navigational goals. Nature, 1-4.
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Xiao Yang Time perception and temporal cognition
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Qianru Zhang Lee, J. Y., Jun, H., Soma, S., Nakazono, T., Shiraiwa, K., Dasgupta, A., ... & Igarashi, K. M. (2021). Dopamine facilitates associative memory encoding in the entorhinal cortex. Nature, 1-6.
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Yu Wang
@Tsinghua U
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Huixin Lin Retrosplenial Cortex
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Lingwei Zhang Nieh, E. H., Schottdorf, M., Freeman, N. W., Low, R. J., Lewallen, S., Koay, S. A., ... & Tank, D. W. (2021). Geometry of abstract learned knowledge in the hippocampus. Nature, 1-5.
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Fengjun Ma Jin, S. W., & Lee, I. (2021). Differential encoding of place value between the dorsal and intermediate hippocampus. Curr Biol.
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LinLing Huang Reinert, S., Hübener, M., Bonhoeffer, T., & Goltstein, P. M. (2021). Mouse prefrontal cortex represents learned rules for categorization. Nature, 593(7859), 411-417.
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Aixia Song Libby, A., & Buschman, T. J. (2021). Rotational dynamics reduce interference between sensory and memory representations. Nat Neurosci, 24(5), 715-726.
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Huixin Lin Schoonover et al. (2021). Representational drift in primary olfactory cortex. Nature.
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Lingwei Zhang Liu, Y., Dolan, R. J., Kurth-Nelson, Z., & Behrens, T. E. (2019). Human replay spontaneously reorganizes experience. Cell, 178(3), 640-652.

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Linling Huang Steinberg, E. E., Keiflin, R., Boivin, J. R., Witten, I. B., Deisseroth, K., & Janak, P. H. (2013). A causal link between prediction errors, dopamine neurons and learning. Nat Neurosci, 16(7), 966-973.

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