*First authors
#Corresponding authors
Bruch, S#., McClure, P., Zhou, J., Schoenbaum G. & Pereira F#. (2021). Validating the representational space of deep reinforcement learning models of behavior with neural data, bioRxiv, 448556. [PDF] [LINK]
Zhou, J#., Gardner, M. P., & Schoenbaum, G#. (2021). Is the core function of orbitofrontal cortex to signal values or make predictions? Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 41, 1-9. [PDF] [LINK]
Zhou, J#., Zong, W., Jia, C., Gardner, M.P.H., Schoenbaum, G#. (2021). Prospective representations in rat orbitofrontal ensembles. Behavioral Neuroscience. Accepted. [PDF] [LINK]
Zhou, J#., Jia, C., Montesinos-Cartagena, M., Gardner, M.P.H., Zong, W., Schoenbaum, G#. (2021). Evolving schema representations in orbitofrontal ensembles during learning. Nature, 590, 606–611. [PDF] [LINK]
Gardner, M#., Sanchez, D., Conroy, J.S., Wikenheiser, A., Zhou, J., Schoenbaum, G#. (2020). Processing in lateral orbitofrontal cortex is required to estimate subjective preference during initial, but not established, economic choice. Neuron, 108, 1-12. [PDF] [LINK]
Gardner, M#, Conroy, J., Sanchez, D., Zhou, J., Schoenbaum, G#. (2019). Real-time value integration during economic choice is regulated by orbitofrontal cortex. Current Biology, 29(24), 4315-4322. [PDF] [LINK]
Zhou, J#., Montesinos-Cartagena, M., Wikenheiser, A., Gardner, M., Niv, Y., & Schoenbaum, G#. (2019). Complementary task structure representations in hippocampus and orbitofrontal cortex during an odor sequence task. Current Biology, 29(20), 3402-3409. [PDF] [LINK]
Zhou, J#., Gardner, M., Stalnaker, T., Ramus, S., Wikenheiser, A., Niv, Y., & Schoenbaum, G#. (2019). Rat orbitofrontal ensemble activity contains multiplexed but dissociable representations of value and task structure in an odor sequence task. Current Biology, 29(6), 897-907. (F1000 recommended) [PDF] [LINK]
Wang, D., Li, Y., Feng, Q., Guo, Q., Zhou, J., & Luo, M#. (2017). Learning shapes the aversion and reward responses of lateral habenula neurons. eLife, 6, e23045. [PDF] [LINK]
Zhang, J., Tan, L., Ren, Y., Liang, J., Lin, R., Feng, Q., Zhou, J., Hu, F., Ren, J., Wei, C., Yu, T., Zhuang, Y., Bettler, B., Wang, F., & Luo, M#. (2016). Presynaptic excitation via GABA B receptors in habenula cholinergic neurons regulates fear memory expression. Cell, 166(3), 716-728. [PDF] [LINK]
Li, Y., Zhong, W., Wang, D., Feng, Q., Liu, Z., Zhou, J., Jia, C., Hu, F., Zeng, J., Guo, Q., Fu, L., & Luo, M#. (2016). Serotonin neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus encode reward signals. Nature Communications, 7. [PDF] [LINK]
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Zhou, J., Jia, C., Feng, Q., Bao, J., & Luo, M#. (2015). Prospective coding of dorsal raphe reward signals by the orbitofrontal cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 35(6), 2717-2730. [PDF] [LINK]
Liu, Z*., Zhou, J*., Li, Y., Hu, F., Lu, Y., Ma, M., Feng, Q., Zhang, J., Wang, D., Zeng, J., Bao, J., Kim, J., Chen, Z., Mestikawy, S., & Luo, M#. (2014). Dorsal raphe neurons signal reward through 5-HT and glutamate. Neuron, 81(6), 1360-1374. (F1000 recommended) [PDF] [LINK]
Zhan, C*#., Zhou, J*., Feng, Q., Zhang, J. E., Lin, S., Bao, J., Wu, P., & Luo, M#. (2013). Acute and long-term suppression of feeding behavior by POMC neurons in the brainstem and hypothalamus, respectively. Journal of Neuroscience, 33(8), 3624-3632. (F1000 recommended) [PDF] [LINK]
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